Wednesday, May 6, 2020

Importance Of Geography On The History - 1848 Words

Importance of Geography in the History When the first Europeans came to the new world, the only people they met were different tribes of Native Americans living all over North America. Native American had a huge amount of land that they used for farming and hunting purposes. The natives believed that the land was given to them by their God and no one is the rightful owner of any land in America. The native tribes would move from place one to another and other tribes would come and take live in that land. But when Europeans came to The new world they would ask natives to give them the little land that they can use and slowly they started tricking or forcibly taking the land away from the natives. The natives were simple minded people who were astonished by the new things like weapons, cloths, alcohol that Europeans would trade with them for Food, beaver fur and other things. Many different European countries came to the new world and start to build their own colonies across North Amer ica. Countries like Britain, France, Spain and Portugal were some of those countries that were ruling over the settler sent by them to live in the new world. All these countries used different strategies taking over the land of natives, like Spain who use forced or France which gave citizenship to the Native Americans. When the first explorers arrived most of land was forest or empty fields, from which natives would use a little to grow food for themselves or hunt but the rest of land was likeShow MoreRelatedThe Importance of Geography to Chinese History1249 Words   |  5 Pagesphysically and climatically a barrier (â€Å"Himalayas†). Forming a natural wall of protection for the Chinese people the Himalayas, while in some cases hurt them, overall were a helpful part of the Chinese terrain (â€Å"Himalayas†). 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